The Captain Coder Podcast
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The Captain Coder Podcast
How to Cut Through the Noise in 2024
I can’t tell you how much doom and gloom I’ve seen about the state of marketing in 2024. With the shifts from AI, changes to Google’s algorithm, and the continued push to privacy (which means losing some data), I see a lot of experts claim that it’s going to become impossible to market effectively.
What are they all forgetting?
There are real, actual human beings on the other side of your marketing efforts.
Online marketing has never been about trying to scam Google’s algorithm or have a video go viral. It’s always been about talking to your dream clients and getting them to pay attention to you so they’ll buy from you.
Rant aside, there is a real issue of needing to cut through all of the noise in the world and get their attention.
How do you do that?
In this episode, we’re going to cover:
- The process to follow to get their attention
- How to keep it
- How to build trust
- Be more memorable
- And how to get in front of new audiences
Episode 58: One Key Traffic Tactic You’re Missing
Episode 67: Unlocking the Earning Power of Email Marketing
FREE RESOURCE: Get more leads from your website
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