The Captain Coder Podcast

How to Market Like a Human in a World of AI

Marisa VanSkiver, Captain Coder Season 2 Episode 53

The great thing about AI and products like ChatGPT is that they can make our lives easier, giving us more time to connect with our audience.

The problem? It can actually prevent us from forming those connections up front.

In today’s episode, Rachel Allen of Bolt From the Blue Copywriting joins me to talk about how we can use ChatGPT effectively but still maintain that important human connection with our audience.

We’ll dive into:
[3:40]: The AI “Apocalypse”
[6:19]: How ChatGPT works
[7:49]: What ChatGPT is great for
[14:08]: The problems you need to keep in mind
[22:21]: Human focused marketing
[29:34]: Safety concerns with ChatGPT

Listen to this conversation and you’ll walk away with how to use ChatGPT effectively while not creating a disconnect with your audience in the long-run.

Mentioned Resources:
Bolt from the Blue Copywriting - Website
Bolt from the Blue on Instagram
Bolt from the Blue on Facebook
My Cheatsheet to Make Content Creation easy with ChatGPT

But that's why it's so important. And I think that's the, the third reason why not to replace your, your employees or your marketers or whatever, or your own work with it, is that ultimately business I, it's commerce, it's relationship based. There's only so long that you can hack the system because the system will change and all of a sudden short-term video will be out and whatever will be in, and all of that work you've put in just gets washed away because of an algorithmic change you have no control over. You're listening to the Captain Coder podcast. Each week, I take you through actionable strategies that can help you scale your service-based business online. I'm your host, Marisa Van Skiver, a k a Captain Coder. What marketing forgets a lot of the time is that we're talking to another human being. Every post you make on Instagram, every TikTok video you create, every time you write a blog post, the other person on the other end of the screen is a person. The entire point of marketing and content is to show who you are as an authentic individual and who you are as a business. Now, the great thing about AI and products like Chat G p t is that it can make our lives easier. The problem is that it can prevent us from creating these authentic connections with our customers. In today's episode, I talk with Rachel Allen of Bolt from the Blue Copywriting about how we can use chat G B T to our advantage, but how we can also maintain those authentic human connections with our marketing. You are going to love this conversation. There's been a lot of discussion lately about AI and whether or not this is gonna take over the entire marketing industry, what the implications are and how we can use it for our benefit. So to dive into that today, I have my new friend, Rachel Allen from Bolt from the Blue Copywriting with me. We're going to talk about everything that you need to know about AI and how to incorporate it into your business and whether or not this is something that you need to be worried about. Um, so before we get started, Rachel, can you just introduce yourself a little bit? Yeah, absolutely. Uh, so my name is Rachel Allen. I run Bolt from the Blue Copywriting, and we're a full service copywriting agency. So we do everything from like the really high level branding conversations and CMO work all the way down into like, can you post on Instagram for me, because I don't want to <laugh>. Um, so we've worked with clients in over 21 countries, uh, or 21 countries in counting. Um, we take a human first approach to marketing. So, um, marketing is so often a wash and hacks and ticks and tricks and whatnot, and I just, I don't have time for it. I never have. And so we, uh, we've built relationships with clients over the past 15 years. That's let us do some really cool stuff. Yeah, I mean, I think both of us, you know, you've been in marketing for about 15 years, correct? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, and that's honestly about the same time, same length of time, a little bit. Uh, for me, I hate giving the number I started when I was 18, but it's been like 17 years for me.<laugh>. Yeah. Um, but you know, I think what we've, well, you can, you can probably agree with me. What we've seen over the last two decades is a lot of things that were supposed to come and go and take over the industry, but what we really found was good solid principles, one the day every single time. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Yeah, absolutely. And that's why I know, maybe I'm just diving in, but with the AI thing, I was. Go ahead. I've had so many, uh, very vehement marketers come to me and be like, it's all over. Pack it up. The internet's done. We're going home. And I'm like, this is like my fourth internet apocalypse. It's fine. Everything's going to be fine. And exactly like what you said, there's so many flash in the pan things where it's like, no, this is gonna change the way we do it forever. And they're like, really? Periscope that's gonna do that. Like, do we remember that one clubhouse? Anyone. Like, oh my gosh, clubhouse. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And it was such a thing. And everybody's like, no, but you have to have a LinkedIn newsletter. And, uh, you know, of course nobody, nobody's focusing on these things. And I think while AI is different in the impact of scope it's gonna have in our world and industry, ultimately, as you said, those principles are what's gonna keep you going every time. Oh, yeah. I mean, you know, I, so I was working in building websites for small businesses when Facebook launches launched their business pages. Mm. And I remember sitting in my office, I was working for a company here, a local company here in Wichita. And of course he, he was like, you're young. Go make a Facebook business page.<laugh>, um, <laugh>. But, you know, the thing was like the conversation turned into, oh, that's gonna kill small business websites. There's no reason for a small business to have their own website if they can have a Facebook page. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, uh, that of course never happened because, you know, the only people who could see your business page, they had to be logged into Facebook. And that's not a good user experience and you don't have control over the design. And so many other things are the reason why that never came to fruition. Right? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, and, and I agree. I think AI and specifically chat G P T where we are seeing a lot of discussion and movement and fear and, you know, I'm, I'm hearing stories of people getting fired because they're gonna replace their, their copywriter, especially like their contract workers with chat G P T. Um, that's a knee-jerk reaction for a lot of these business owners. And what they're going to find is they're not gonna get the same quality mm-hmm.<affirmative> out of it. Right? But what are some ways that we can use, I mean, because we're in a reality where this is, this is what we, this is what we have to deal with now, <laugh>.<Laugh>. And you know, I think there's gonna be some clients who come to us and they say, we really want you to use Chat j p t, but there's also ways that we can use it to better help our customers and to write better content for ourselves. Can you talk a little bit about, you know, how we can use it effectively? Absolutely. And I love that we're having this conversation because fear mongering around it of like, don't use the magical word machine. It's gonna take over when really it's based on a misunderstanding of what chat G p T actually does, or large language models in general. So I'm gonna digress into some nerdism for just like two seconds. Love it.<laugh>. But, um, when this all came out and I started seeing, you know, everyone's like, check G p D, it's gonna take over. I was like, okay, how does this actually work? Like, what does it actually do? So I went into this deep dive into how LLMs function and um, there's some fantastic like, reference articles where they actually lay it out. And I was like, okay, so what this thing really does at its core is it looks at masses of words and it makes predictions about what word comes next. And it does that with a high degree of accuracy. And so that's how it can make facsimile of human, human written speech or human written language mm-hmm. <affirmative>, but ultimately at the very best case scenario that gets you novelty, right? You're gonna get like two words where you're like, oh, that's kinda weird, huh. Maybe it's funnier, but it can't, uh, replace human creativity. Cuz novelty and creativity are different in kind. So bringing it back around to your question, how can we actually use this usefully? Well, knowing what it does, then you can think, okay, how can I turn those strengths into something that's useful for me? Knowing that good news or bad news, depending on how you feel, you're still gonna have to bring your human creativity to it to get right. Anything useful outta it. Um, what I suggest, it's great for ideation, it's great for coming up with lists of like, uh, questions and thinking, helping you maybe think from different perspectives. Cuz we don't all have the internet hive mind yet. Thankfully <laugh>, um. No, no, no chips and implanted in any heads. Elon Musk is not won that gabit yet. We'll see. Yep. Exactly. <laugh>, that's, that's a problem for our descendants. Oh. Gosh. But.<Laugh>, so right now it's useful for helping you kind of get out of your own head a little bit, um, for getting some interplay. I have a lot of clients that I work with when I'm writing books actually, where they'll say like, oh, I'm really good with writing, but only in response to questions. Cause if I have to sit down and write on a blank page, then my mind goes blank. Well. Have Yeah. It's the, it's the curse of the blinking cursor. Right. Exactly. So have Chad j p d ask you questions, give it that to give you that little boost to get into it. So it's useful for that. Um, it's marginally with a giant caveat useful for research. The big caveat being it does just make stuff up. <laugh>. Yeah. There's <laugh>, there's literally a lawyer suing. Yeah. There's been several accounts of lawyers using it for casework, which I mean, come on guys. That's terrible. We all know better. Yeah. And showing up to court with fake ca with face fake cases that they're trying to lean on and you know, now they're suing Chad GBT for defamation <laugh>. Yeah. Well you were the dummy sir <laugh>. Exactly. It's like that, that was an easily avoidable pitfall. So, um, yeah, that's, I mean it can be useful but still check your facts. Um, one. Thing, one thing I was gonna say too Yeah. About checking your facts when you, um, when you get something out of chat g bt what I've started doing, you know, there's certain things you're like, okay, this is fine. I don't need to double check this, but if you are working on anything at all where you're making some kind of assertive statement mm-hmm. <affirmative>, it's so easy to Google that and just really honestly double check it. Yeah. You read two or three blog posts, look at a couple of different sources and just make sure it's accurate. I literally had a client that I was working with. I used chat g p t like in the beginning to generate some content. Then I had to go double check it and find sources. So if they told me, Hey, this doesn't sound right, are you sure? And I could go back to the sources cuz you can't use chat g p t as a source. Yeah. It's like Wikipedia. Yeah, yeah. Absolutely. It's uh, it has no authority capital. Correct. Yeah. And and unfortunately it has a negative authority capital at this point.<Laugh> it. Exactly. What are some other ways we can use Jet G P D in a positive, helpful way? One thing that, uh, I find it useful for is if I'm ever p uh, pitching for speaking gigs or if I'm like wanting to work with associations. So I do a lot of work where I do presentations to like, you know, the East Tennessee Women Lawyers Association or whatever CPAs of blah blah mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, you can Google that stuff, but it's also really good to just have that, have chat GP make a big list and give you a starting point. So maybe that would be a good way to kind of sum up all the ways. Like it's a great starting point for a lot of things, but it's a terrible ending point for anything. <laugh>. No, I think that's true. I mean I have a free lead capture right now on my own website at where I give you prompts that you can put into chat GPT. Cause I found, I think most of us are finding that you can't start with a first prompt. You really have to dive into it too. It is a, it is a process. Yeah. You can't just say, Hey gimme 15 blog topics cuz you're not gonna get as good of an answer. Yeah. As if you like say, okay, here's my audience, here's what I'm looking for now give me some blog prompts. You know, you have to kind of feed it a little bit mm-hmm. <affirmative>, but you know, even then it's just a generative thing. You can't use it to do the work for you. Unfortunately. Yeah. And, and I think part of that, you know, at least for me when I, when I do ask it for <laugh>, I literally asked it to rephrase a headline the other not think, you know, I am an English major by trade, well by education, um, and have a vast vocabulary, but sometimes your brain just gets stuck and you're like, I can't think of the word that I want. So you pop it into a chat G P T. But it kept giving me the same thing over and over again with like one tweak. Yeah. Like, this is worse than my brain <laugh>. Exactly. Like sometimes it can be that equivalent of somebody sitting across the office where you're like, Hey, how do I say this thing? But usually it will say the same like fortune cookie thing back over and over again. Yeah. And no, that's a really great point. It is that it is that literal brainstorming partner. So for a lot of us that are working remotely or you know, a lot of people that are listening either to this, like they run their own business, they don't necessarily have employees. If they do, they have, you know, maybe a contractor or two, they're not, it's not the same as when you're in a big office. Yeah. And you've got a ton of people you can turn to. So chat G P T can be great to be that kind of AI helper, but that's, it's a helper <laugh>. Yeah. I, uh, was doing some work for an AI prospecting company actually. They help, um, nonprofits and other businesses like basically find the to hear from them instead of just sending out postcards to everybody and annoying us all. Um, yeah. That's amazing. Yeah, they're really cool. Um, but one of the sort of intro headlines that we wrote for them, cuz you know, a lot of people in the nonprofit space especially have ethical concerns and rightly so mm-hmm. <affirmative>, but um, one of the headlines we wrote for them where we said, yes, AI is here for your job, but only the boring parts <laugh>. And that's really the best way to use it. <laugh>. Yeah. No, I love that. I think, I think for a lot of people too, it can be, it can make your job easier. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you know, it can help a lot with that. But let's, let's kind of dive into why wouldn't we wanna just take anything that chat gpt spits out or use it to replace an employee or anything like that? What are some Yeah. Problems that you've seen with that kind of attitude? So I think, I mean, right off the bat, we have the problem of it, it lies like, it's straight up lies. I know they call it hallucinations, cuz I think that sounds nicer to tech bro type people, but it'll lie. I'm sorry, the word choice of hallucinations do Yeah. Is like, do they have the mental capability of um mm-hmm. <affirmative>. It's just. Like, is it inaccurate information? Is that. How that happened? Yeah. I'm like, no, it just, it's just wrong <laugh>. Um, but so that's the main, uh, thing to think about. And also the legal concerns. Um, I know that courts are fi still figuring out intellectual property things mm-hmm. <affirmative>, but there's talk about how, um, content created with chat G P t cannot be copyrighted. Uh, you can't actually attribute ownership to it, intellectual property. So that could be a real issue if you, you, let's say you write your webpage and then all of a sudden somebody scrapes it and it's like, well, sucks to be you because you don't actually own it. Um. Right. Or even I think though, the worst part is the chat. G P T will actually tell you that you have to, um, provide chat g p t as a source if you copy and paste their stuff. Yeah. Um, go ask it, it'll say Yes, you need to cite us as a source. The problem with that is now you've given away, we don't know what percentage of your ownership over that content. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Yep. And this is where I think we're gonna see a lot of issues because people are using it right now to churn out SEO blogs. Right. Because that's been, that's always been the thing to get to feed, uh, Google. And okay, great. Let's say you have it churn out 600 SEO blogs and you start having some great passive income, the great dream of the internet, and then you don't own any of those and your site gets shut down overnight. And it's like, why? It's, it's the equivalent of a surf farming. You know, like you're, like, you're a peasant, you don't own the land you're farming there. No. And the whole point of having a website and having SEO blogs is to actually own it. Unlike social media, unlike all of these other things that are just very passive and very hard to have a stake in. So when you're putting literally the foundation of your business on very shaky ground mm-hmm. <affirmative>, that is terrifying to me as a business owner, as a marketer. Um, that's something I've been talking to my clients a lot about. Like, you cannot copy and paste and have ownership over this. Content. Yeah, absolutely. And it's, it's, it's meant to be a time saving thing, but I'm seeing a whole lot of people feel like they need to dedicate so much time to actually like making this work. And it's the same kind of dynamic we saw, like when reels first came out and everybody was like, oh, I'm sending like five hours making a reel. And I'm like, that's a terrible use of your time. Don't do that. I know Instagram doesn't push them out anymore. <laugh>. Yep, exactly. Cuz now they're focusing on threads instead of short form video. Yeah. So this is something that I've actually like soap boxed a lot about with my clients as well, is they, they get this idea that if they're gonna make it on the internet, then they have to, to post on Instagram and like, um, basically like make meta happy and make Google happy. And I'm like, you know what? I can get into this to have only two clients, which are meta and Google mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I got into it for the people that we connect with. And if we can't do that, there's no point. And here's the real like mind twister of it. When you actually focus on that human to human connection, you end up getting the stuff that you would've got by so-called hacking the system. It it works better over time. You don't get the big like, uh, boom and bust cycle. That comes. Yeah. You're not gonna necessarily go Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And even if you do, you might not know the one post I wrote wrote that went viral. I didn't actually like check it until a month later. And I was like, oh, I didn't do anything with that Great <laugh>. So, but that's why it's so important. And I think that's the, the third reason why not to replace your, your employees or your marketers or whatever, or your own work with it, is that ultimately business is it's commerce, it's relationship based. There's only so long that you can hack the system because the system will change and all of a sudden short form video will be out and whatever will be in, and all of that work you've put in just gets washed away because of an algorithmic change you have no control over. Right. Right. I mean, you look at TikTok for instance, and the new trend on TikTok, that's carousel images.<Laugh>. Which the first time that I, I had one come up in my feed. Um, cuz I have a love hate relationship with TikTok. And in order to avoid addiction, I basically don't let myself open it except maybe once every couple of days. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and I was waiting for it to auto scroll through, and then I realized I had to scroll through it and I'm like, oh my gosh, why are we doing carousels on TikTok? The whole point of TikTok is video, but now we're Instagram <laugh>, like Just the lack of like, just the craziness, you know mm-hmm.<affirmative> of, of what that, what that all means and is and whatever else. You know, that's the problem. And I've been telling clients for years, like, you can try to chase Google, but really at the end of the day, Google wants to make its own customers happy. Yeah. So the best thing that you can do is to focus on making your customer happy because Google is technology. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> with seo, every single algorithm change, they, they catch up more. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>, you know, and so by making your customer happy, you, you're gonna be making them happy. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Yeah, absolutely. It's, it's this weird perspective shift that's so different from what we're taught in like, you know, all the 8,000 marketing courses that come out on Instagram where they're like, no, you need to, um, oh gosh, what was the thing they used to call it where Instagram, they would give you benefits if you posted something and then it immediately got a lot of likes. So people formed, uh, pods. Oh. Gosh, yes. The pod strategy. It's, it's the follow for follow strategy. Yeah. And then you had a bunch of people following you who six months later didn't have a clue who you were and never engage with your content. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>. Yep. Something that I say a lot to my clients is, uh, hacks have a short half-life, so they'll give you a little boost, but then you're gonna be chasing that forever. It makes so much more sense and you will make so much more money if you focus on relational human focused marketing. Yeah. I mean, I think, I think the big thing that most people don't consider when it comes to do I follow this next hack or do I do this thing that takes a little longer? You know, I've as, as a young marketer, I worked for business owners who were like, get me to the top page of Google within the next three weeks. Which is just like<laugh> Funny stuff. Um, and the, the sad reality of of s e o of blogs of email marketing is some of that stuff can take a year to really start churning and doing good work for you. But that's okay because you're building that foundation. And so while it might take you longer to get to at a certain point that you're looking to get to, you will stay there much better than if you absolutely have a post on Instagram go, you know, semi vial. If you have a viral reel, the people that see that are probably never gonna see your content again anyway. Mm-hmm.<Affirmative>. Yep. And they might not even be the people you want to see them. You know, you can go viral the audience that has nothing to do with you. Yeah. Yeah. I was gonna say, usually it's gonna be you're getting in front of the wrong people anyway, so they're not gonna buy from you. So a million people saw it, but only one of those million people has anything to do with what you wanna try to attract. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Yeah. It's a great way to spend a lot of time, energy, and money. Especially if you're in, I mean I think, and this is a little bit flexible depending on the but any of my clients who are under, let's say quarter of a million, half a million a year and they have follower ships of under 10,000, I'm like, don't even bother thinking about SEO and like trying to like game your numbers and stuff like that because you're not gonna get, like, you'll hit a point of diminishing returns so fast, wait until you grow to a larger scale and then start messing with the numbers. Yeah. I mean, I think that, I think that makes perfect sense. So let's talk about human focus marketing in this world of ai. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>, how can we be sure that we are connecting as humans with each other, like for a lot of us that are not marketers. That's kind of a weird thing to talk about, like Yeah. You know, what is human focus marketing? Yeah. So human focus marketing, um, is marketing approach that, I'm trying to think of ways to define it without using the word human at the center <laugh>. But what it really is, is is remembering that like there's a, the person, a 3D in living color person on the other side of that, they're not just a follower, they're not just a number, they're not an email subscriber. It's a person. And that is so inconvenient a lot of times because they're not the little like cash pinata that you can beat with the marketing copy until the dollars fall out. It's a real person and you gotta form a relationship with them. And how this works in actual marketing and especially in the context of ai, I think people actually overcomplicate it because they forget you're a person too. Right. You know what you respond to, you know what you like, you know how bad it feels to get one of those like, dear valued customer, I'm so glad you're on my email list. Like, nobody likes that. So that's what I encourage people to think about. It is like, you have to have to have the almost like the internal integrity and the, the connection with yourself of being like, Nope, I am willing to show up as I am who I am. Make a clean ask. And this is the other part people struggle with particularly, um, entrepreneurs who are a little bit newer. You gotta keep your hands out of their wallets. Cuz then it's like, I see so many people they'll wanna do marketing and they're like, oh my God, buy my thing or not. I mean like, run me over with the car if you do, it's cool. And I'm like, no man. Yeah. Like there's, there's either they, everything they post is buy from me or they never post anything about buying from either. Like it's, it's a hard balance. Yeah. You know, but it's a lot of people either get really focused on, uh, you're just here to gimme money. Yeah. Or they go the opposite direction and forget to have calls to action mm-hmm. <affirmative> because those people will give you money, but you have to have a relationship with them first. It's like sending a DM to somebody on Instagram Yeah. That you've never talked to. They don't know. And you're like, Hey, I have a freebie. Would you like to check it out? Oh, that drives me so crazy. Or, Hey, do you wanna join my Facebook group for something you don't do? No. No, I. Don't. My favorite is obviously LinkedIn ads. Yeah. We look like we have things in common and then I can see there're a sales rep for, I'm like, I know, what's that gonna happen? The first time I add you as a contact, you're gonna immediately pitch me. Mm-hmm.<Affirmative>. Yep. And this is where I think we see people doing some really, I don't know, shady slash annoying stuff with ai because I have gotten so many emails and so many messages which are clearly written by chat G p T My favorite one recently was it was like, hello entrepreneur, who I hope this email finds you in a spirit of entrepreneurial enthusiasm.<laugh>. I'm like, no one. Totally chat. Gpt has never said that.<Laugh>. I mean, here's, here's a really good, here's a really good way to put this. So, you know, like those of you listening, you know, and you've either read a novel or you've watched a movie and you can tell that the person who wrote it doesn't actually know that either. Women. Yeah. Usually it's a lot of men who write, like with women protagonists mm-hmm. And no offense. Mm-hmm. Men can write women protagonists, just not everyone. Yeah. Um, and you can tell you're like, no, no woman would ever talk like this. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. No woman would ever act like this. Um, it's the same with chat d p t. You can feel it. Yeah. You know, you know that no person is actually gonna talk like this. Yeah. A really great way. I heard it described by, um, somebody on another podcast about ai actually. They were talking about how the writing chat g p t does is really, uh, best classified as the facsimile because it's tech like the words are technically right most of the time, but there's no actual transmission there, there's no communication. So the the point is just to make a picture of words. And I think that's exactly what we see with all these emails and especially with Dan cold pitches on LinkedIn where it's like, hello fellow business person, you look like you're having a great success. I'd like to connect with you. And you're like, why? Right. Yeah. Exactly. And I think, I think the big thing that we have to remember when, if you're gonna use judge e p t to help you out, go in there and rewrite it in your own voice mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So it sounds like you. Exactly. If you can't imagine your, like those words actually coming out of your face, like at a networking event or wherever<laugh> don't say it. <laugh>. Yeah. Like read it out loud. That is the never one. If you are scared of writing and you don't know how to write, the best thing that I can tell my clients, and this is actually why we do copy interviews when we work on their websites, um, they don't, they talk about things all the time, but they don't know how to put that into words on a page. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Right. So grab your voice app and like literally just talk about it. Yeah. And listen back to it and or read it out loud from chat G P t and you'll, you'll see, you'll stumble over words. It won't make sense. You're like, this doesn't sound like me. So then go back and just really quick edits. Mm-hmm.<affirmative> can and tweaks can make it sound like you and sound human, you know? But I think that's something that, it's one of those things that's hard to describe, but you know it when you see it when you're like, yeah, this doesn't sound right. Exactly. It's something off about it. Yeah. It's the same feeling you get in, uh, when you call into a customer service line and it's a bot and it's technically saying words and a human said those words, but you are not talking to anyone. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Yeah. Or you're talking to a non-native speaker in your language. Mm. And you can tell that they're using like a translation tool, <laugh>. Yeah. Which like, fair enough. But also like, I'd rather just talk, like, just tell me, tell me in your own words, you know mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Yeah, for sure. Now let's kind of go back to a little bit of the fears of AI because mm-hmm.<affirmative>, you know, you talked about how we can't copyright it. Um, I, we talked before we started recording about there's a class action lawsuit coming out of California accusing open ai, the parent company of chat g p t of basically scraping a bunch of personal information and violating people's privacy. I'm surprised it's taken this long to put something together because there's been a lot of discussions as to whether or not open AI violated copyright law to create chat G B T mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So I find it interesting they're going from a privacy side of things. So if you are getting used to chat G B T, is there anything that you need to keep in mind as you build it into your kind of daily habits. Do you think? I think, um, I think that the, the first thing that comes to mind is just, it's smart internet safety. I think so used to trading our privacy for convenience that it's Yes. You know, we just, it's like, oh, whatever. Take my email address or whatever. And of course, I mean, I'm the same way. I'm like, I don't, my email address is in a thousand different little But I think going into it mindfully and knowing that when you interact with this as the old internet saying goes, if you can't see the product, you are the product and it is there to take things from you. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you have some control over how you work within that exchange and how much you want to, to share with it. But, um, one thing that I've seen, especially with my author clients where they're like, oh, I'm putting my, my work into chat g p D to finish a chapter. And I'm like, do not, do not, do not, do not. It will take it and it will claim it as its own. So I think you just need to be mindful of like, anything you put into it is no longer yours. Right. And that's the other thing that I don't think a lot of people are understanding or appreciating. You know, when you, when you feed it information. So one of the biggest things I hear people talking about is feeding your writing into chat G B T. Yeah. So it can spit out your voice and, and do a better job. Uh, yes. That is how you get better information. The problem is now you're turning over your copyright to chat G p t and this is something Samsung actually had a big, so from a coder perspective, had a big hullabaloo a few months ago where their programmers were putting in highly sensitive code into chat G P T and then of course now they've put like Samsung code, Samsung propriety code Yeah. Into a public thing where they could spit it back out to other people. Unsurprisingly, Samsung has banned the use of chat G p T amongst us programmers or, you know, anybody <laugh> in house. Makes sense. Um, but that's also something to keep in mind if you put it in chat, G P T can spit it out to somebody else. Exactly. Yeah. And I think another concern that I have with that is it's very easy to become, um, to, to start letting it shape the way you talk. And it has a lot of bad habits. Right. So the more that we talk to anything, just this is the way that we, our brains process language. We're, we're relational language creatures. That's how we do things. And so, you know, like when you're hanging out with a group of friends, you pick up each other's slang and you have like in jokes and stuff like that, we naturally mold our conversation and our dialect to the, the people we talk the most to. And so if you are using all of your time or all of your, um, if you're, if you're running all your marketing copy and all your content through chat, g b T, when you write stuff, you'll start to pick up its idiosyncrasies as well. And maybe you don't want those, like, a lot of times they're just really bad writing. Like this is, I'm just gonna rant for a minute, but, um, chat. G p t does one of my least favorite things, and it's something I train ruthlessly out of writers when they come to work for me because it does this thing that I call dead pigeon sentences. So dead pigeon sentence is anything that doesn't actually move the, like, writing forward. It's just saying information to say stuff. So it just looks like it's like little dead pigeon laying there on the road.<laugh>. I I love the phrase.<Laugh> cause and you know exactly what it is, where it's like, yeah. If, uh, if they were talking about this podcast, they would be like, podcasts are a great way to connect with people. Uh. Yeah. And it's like, eh, okay. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Yeah. So any sentence that you could be like, okay, <laugh> like, or. Like, it's filler. It's literally how you wrote in college. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>, if you had a certain word count to me it, it's filler. That's what it is. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And it's for whatever reason, it just, it loves that. And so I think it could be very easy to start picking up bad habits like that cuz you think like maybe if you don't, you're not comfortable writing your own stuff, you're like, oh well I mean that's how people write. I'm like, no, it's really, it's how bad people write<laugh>. Like, don't do it. Yeah. There's a, I really love cuz I like playing with chat G P T and understanding it. Um, I don't use it for my own writing because I, I, I'm a writer so like, maybe I'm being, um, I, I write better than I talk guys. Maybe I'm being a little conceited where I'm like, I write better than anything Che G P T can ever spit out, so why do I need it? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, but I do use it for idea gener generation and you know, just getting to understand how it works. Yeah. And when I started playing with it and I would ask it to write a blog post and the amount of times it would spit out, like it would be this really poor introduction and then it would give you bullet points in between mm-hmm.<Affirmative>. Which made literally no sense. Like, why are these bullet points, these should be paragraphs. Yeah. Um, and then it would be, it would end with in conclusion, uh, Yes. Which is what if you did any kind of writing college, you probably got yelled at by your English professor at least 10 times to stop writing in conclusion cause mm-hmm. <affirmative>, it's a non, it's, it's a non, it's a non phrase. Yeah. Like it doesn't do anything. It's pit, it's a dead pigeon phrase. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you know, there's a lot of these really bad habits that chat G P t has and they're so ubiquitous that I personally, and you'll know it, when you start paying attention, I can pick out something that was written by chat G P t. Oh absolutely. You can, you can feel it as you said. Yeah. And you can see based on those habits. So starting with the really like weird intro that doesn't really say anything, lots of reliance on bullet points, the in conclusion or in summary or anything like that. And, um, lots of like, uh, hedging. So they'll say something and be like, but also check with a professional or it's important to take the time to fact check your background or whatever. Like. Yeah. Yeah. And I've noticed the hedging more lately than I did at the first when I, when it first came out. And I think the hedging is literally because they've Yeah. No, I think so too. I think they've programmed that in, but I mean that's the thing. There are so many, there's so many great things that can be said about chat G P T, but there's a lot that we have to keep in mind and I think the biggest is it can literally create a disconnect with your audience. Yeah. Because if you can't read that back to yourself out loud, if it doesn't sound like you, I look at it two ways. One, they're gonna like, even if they don't know that was written by chat G B T, they're gonna feel like it doesn't make sense. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, something's missing, they're not gonna connect with it. Yeah. But I think the biggest thing, and tell me if this is something that you've talked to your clients about too, is they're not gonna get to know you because it's not coming from you mm-hmm.<affirmative> and then you lose the trust that you build with creating this content. Absolutely. And in that case, there's no point in creating it at all because the entire point of doing content and doing marketing is to create a relationship and show yourself to them, not all of yourself. You don't have to like drunk cry on the internet shoulder <laugh>, but you do have to show up you and present. Mm-hmm. And the buzzword of all buzzwords authentic, um, and. Right, right. <laugh>. Yeah. If you don't do that, there's nobody, nobody can connect with you. And this is something that I talk about so much is that really in this, in this marketing space that we're in, I say human is the only move left because all of the tips and the tricks and the hacks and the courses and the B school and the whatever, like this industry has matured past that. And now that is the single U s P that basically any business has. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>, maybe you do have the most magical, I don't know, goat milk can soap ever, but we have the entire planet of people doing what you do. And the only thing that you have that stands out differently is you. And if you are co-opting that out to chat G P t, then you have just lost your best asset. Yeah. Oh my gosh. That is such a great point because, and this is something that I talk about to my clients about all the time. I, you're a unique business, you do something unique and different. Yes. You may provide the same service that a lot of other people provide, but you do it your way. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>. Absolutely. And chat G P T will never be able to say it the way that you can. Yeah. Um, so what are some things, as somebody is listening to this podcast episode and they're thinking, okay, well I wanna use chat g p T to make my life easier, but I, keeping this in mind, what are some best practices that you would recommend as somebody moves forward with AI in general? So I think first and always, uh, just be mindful of your privacy. It's, it's just like living in a city or like walking down the street. You just kind of wanna be aware of what you're doing and make sure that whatever you're doing, you have at least some idea of what the consequences may be and that you actually wanna engage in that. I think the second thing is to think about your ultimate purpose with it. Um, it's easy to start using it out of convenience or because perhaps you're insecure about your writing or your marketing or whatever. And like just, but think about what the main goal actually is and actually the most useful way to get there. I think a lot of people fall into using it because just like any other hack or tip or whatever, it's meant to be a shortcut and it's meant to make things easy and maybe it will, but also you're your, you are your <laugh>, you are your unique self. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> And this is not, there's no one size fits all in business anymore. So it might be the fastest way to get you there. It might actually slow you way down. So think about what your ultimate goal is and then, um, use it for what it's good at. It's good for ideating, it's good for like jumping off points for research. It's good for finding a whole lot of information that read. It is not good for other things. Yeah. No, I think that's a great point. I think the best way to move forward with chat g p t is to cut out some of your research time and give you, give you that nice diving board Yeah. Where you can maybe, you know, spring into action a little bit easier. But I think the best thing to remember is that the human humanity will win in the end with a lot of these businesses. You're gonna see big businesses trying to make AI work and a variety of ways. It's become a buzzword. Companies are now like, oh we have this AI tool. They've always had that tool. Yeah. They're just now Yeah. Like don't get caught up in, in the trend, but use it for your business in the way that makes sense for your business. Exactly. Perfect. Well thank you so much Rachel. We could probably talk forever <laugh> about this cuz I know we both feel very strongly about chat GBTs, like great and bad things <laugh>. Yeah. So, um, this is so great. I'm glad to have you on today. Can you tell people if they wanna find out more about you, where they can go? Uh, yeah, absolutely. So pardon me, thank you so much for having me on. Um, I'm really easy to find all over the internet, so you can find me at bolt from the blue We're also on Facebook at Bolt from the Blue Copywriting and on Instagram at Bolt from the blue copywriting. Or you can just send me an email at hello bolt from the Blue Copywriting. Um, we answer all of our emails like in house by Real people and you know, we love to chat so. Reach out, not not AI chat bots getting back to people. No, no chat bots. I did try to set one up like a billion years ago, my Facebook page, which I based Yes. Like my business page, which I don't use. Um, and I can't figure out how to turn it off. So if you get a chatbot there, it's because I'm old and can't fix it. <laugh>. Yeah. It's also because meta changes things like every you know, let's just blame them. <laugh>. Yeah. Yeah. <laugh>. Awesome. Thank you so much. I really appreciate this conversation. I think it's really important for people to keep in mind as they move forward with chat, g p T and RA AI solutions. So I really appreciate your expertise today. Oh, thank you. And likewise. If you loved our episode today, please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts or share this with an entrepreneur friend of yours who needs to hear it. Now. If you have questions about today's episode, reach That's c A P T or on Instagram at Captain Coder. Thanks so much for tuning in and talk to you next week.